Showing posts with label образование. Show all posts
Showing posts with label образование. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Five myths about ACCA's Performance Objectives

Many ACCA students focus on their exams progress. In the same time, the employers are keen on their knowledge gained from exams, ethical behaviour and practical experience.

Thus, do not forget about your Ethics module and PER. It makes your value as a professional higher and your chances to get an attractive job offer increase significantly.

ACCA analysed the students' contacts via ACCA Connect and found five myths about Practical Experience Requirements (PER).

Myth #1 "All I need to achieve a PO is to tick right box"

There are three challenge questions for any PO and no any prescribed right or wrong answer. You should describe your own situation (up to 500 words), then your experience gained (up to 500 words) and possible impact if you had not behaved ethically in this situation (up to 500 words).

Myth #2 "I don't need to prove experience - once, I've passed exams, I am ACCA member"

Exams are only part of the story. You need to apply the knowledge gained from exams in the workplace. Exams, ethics and experience are all needed for ACCA membership.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

ACCA approved employers in Ukraine

  • List of Ukrainian companies which offer unique career and development opportunities for their employees - members of ACCA:

  • Ukraine International Airlines (Kiev.Ukraine)
  • Wrigley Ukraine (Kiev.Ukraine)
  • Bank Renaissance Capital (Kiev.Ukraine)
  • Suntrade S.E. (Kiev.Ukraine)
  • Interpipe (Kiev.Ukraine)
  • Kyivstar GSM (Kiev.Ukraine)
  • BDO, LLC (Dnepropetrovsk.Ukraine)

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Как стать финансовым контролером (financial controller)?

Опыт работы (practical experience)

Я пришла на должность финансового контролера с позиции внутреннего аудитора группы компаний. Помогли здесь выделиться и сертификат аудитора, и сертификат русскоязычной программы CIPA, подтверждавшей мои знания Международных стандартов финансовой отчетности (IFRS). Часто на эту позицию приходят специалисты из большой четверки (PWC, KPMG, Ernst&Young, Delloitte), но им, как правило, не хватает практического опыта. Поэтому они переходят на какую-либо функцию финансового анализа в реальный сектор и затем уже претендуют на позицию financial controller. Также можно встретить и бывших начальников отделов отчетности и анализа, бюджетирования или логистики среди моих коллег.

Образование (education)